Avv. Italo Partenza


Happy Birthday Gelli Law, indeed not

Articolo su Responsabilità medica – Diritto e Pratica clinica: “Buon compleanno Legge Gelli, anzi no” – Pacini Editore – 2019

Two years have just passed since the entry into force of Gelli Law but unresolved problems remain (the insurance framework and Corte dei Conti’ s role) and an improper use of ATP ex art. 696 bis c.p.c. which – if not properly regulated and supervised – risks altering the effective application of the principles of law sanctioned by the Supreme Court regarding the distribution of evidentiary burdens. The need for a radical reform of health responsibilities in a no-fault key emerges more than ever.


Abstact published in Responsabilità Medica – Diritto e Pratica Clinica.